Loans will be signed out for a period of 4 weeks at a time. If you wish to rehire you need do nothing, we will process the rehire on your behalf. This is subject to the following conditions:
-Up to a maximum of 12 weeks, at which point we need to check the sling over for insurance purposes.
- If the sling is in high demand we will limit rehires to 12 weeks.
. Unless agreed in advance between us and you slings must be returned either to a scheduled library session or to the Parenting North East office by post or in person (opening hours 10-2 m-f) . Our address is 22 Marine Avenue, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear, NE26 1NE. Please ensure you’ve included your name, contact details and any late fees.
We accept cash or gifted/personal payment paypal to contactus@parentingnortheast.org.uk for hires. We may also be able to accept cheques, cards or bank transfer at our discretion.
We reserve the right to reduce or waive fee amounts for active members of the Slings and Parenting North East facebook group. This is entirely at our discretion.
Fees for slings are currently £10 per month. Other hire durations may be possible, please ask for prices.
You may be charged a refundable deposit for each sling you hire.
We prefer deposits by cheque please but can also accept cash or gifted/personal payment paypal to contactus@snott.org.uk
All slings will be thoroughly checked by Parenting North East staff or volunteers, with you before the loan. Slings must be returned in the condition they were lent out in, any damages made by you resulting in loss of value will be charged at RRP.
We ask that you do not wash your sling without contacting us for instructions beforehand. Incorrect washing can result in loss of value. We are parents too and are used to daily baby mess.
All slings available for hire at the PNE library are safe when used correctly. We will show you how to do this and direct you to instructions. It's your responsibility to ensure you follow the manufacturers instructions and PNE cannot be held liable for any injuries arising from misuse.
Slings are not suitable for use when undertaking sporting activities or strenuous exercise, this includes activities like jogging, cycling or exercise classes of any kind but is not an exclusive list. As a general rule of thumb slings are best used in day to day situations where it would be possible to hold your child in your arms while undertaking the activity.
All items loaned to you remain the property of Parenting North East sling library at all times, loans are subject to our discretion.
Paper records are kept of your membership details and hires. Electronic records are kept securely for 1 year and only hold your name, address, hire records and electronic contact details.